Tuesday, March 17, 2020

100 WC Week 25

Banana   Black   Heavy   Jumped   Damaged
The School Bus.

As I race round trying to get ready, and not miss my school bus.
I grab my lunch and a Banana with Black bruises all over it.
“Wha Wha Wha” My little sister cries. I picked her up to settle her down.
 She is getting quite heavy when she calms down I  rush downstairs and out the door
“BYE MUM!” I shout from downstairs
“Bye honey have a great day!” Mum replies.

As I jumped on the school bus I saw the only seat left was the stinky one with the damaged legs but at least I made it

The end

Monday, March 9, 2020

100 WC week 24

… ‘I’m trying to hold on,’ he shouted …
The Monkey bars 

David rushes to the monkey bars hoping to be first, but he sees the new kid is there already.

“There can only be one person on the monkey bars and that is me!” David
 says under his breath. 

“ Let's have a monkey bar grip off,  last one to stay on gets the monkey bars for a week”
“Okay” the boy replies

Five minutes in, they’re barely holding on, and all the kids from the school are all gathered round.

“ Are you slipping?” David says  in disbelief that the new boy is still hanging on.

‘I’m trying to hold on’ he shouted, as a loud truck comes past.